References Spielkiste Schweiz AG
The retail sector had been undergoing radical change even before the coronavirus crisis, which is why digital retail had achieved disproportionate growth.
Family-run company Spielkiste Schweiz AG, based in Tenniken (BL), also recognized the potential of digital commerce. For more than 35 years it has been selling high-quality toys, both in physical shops and via its own e-shop.
The Digital Commerce team at Swiss Post was commissioned to help define the company’s strategic thrust, identify organizational and process-related improvement opportunities and take advantage of marketing potential.
In addition to the development of a digital strategic thrust including vision and goals, the requirements for the development and expansion of cross-media retail also needed to be assessed and sharpened up.
The result of the collaboration was a comprehensive strategy paper used as the basis for the implementation of cross-media commerce.
The cooperation with the digital commerce consultants was very valuable for us regarding the development of our digital strategic thrust and we were able to gain new insights from our joint workshops and other interactions.
Patrick Lutz, Owner Spielkiste Schweiz
Spielkiste Schweiz AG benefited from the following consulting services:

(1) Strategy and design: Creation of an e-commerce strategy concept based on established and realistic strategic thrusts that harmonize digital and in-store retail
(2) Organization and processes: Professional and technical examination of organizational and procedural conditions with regard to cross-media retail
(5) Marketing: Support with defining marketing strategies across various digital channels