Cross-media communication Why successful online retailers like BRACK.CH also advertise offline
Anyone who thinks that e-commerce is a guarantee for selling items quickly is quite mistaken. Even the best-known online shops have to invest in advertising on an ongoing basis to increase visits and boost sales. There are also several reasons for opting for offline advertising in online retail.
This is a golden age for Swiss e-commerce. In 2020, revenue increased by more than 27 percent in comparison to the previous year. And the trend continues to point in one single direction, namely upwards.
But not all online retailers are benefiting from the boom. Only those who are and remain “top of mind” among consumers can stand their ground against the rapidly growing number of competitors around the world.
This requires not only outstanding service quality, but also intensive communication. In addition to customer retention, acquisition of new customers is just as crucial. The aim of the communication is to increase awareness, illustrate the product range and showcase expertise.
Whether for existing or new customers: at first glance, it seems obvious that online retailers should focus on online channels for their communication. But even pure online providers have good reasons to advertise across media.
Why does BRACK.CH advertise physically?
“Because customers also exist physically,” says Simon Thoma, Head of Marketing at BRACK.CH AG / Competec Group. “Consumers’ lives and information behaviour run through different channels and are both online and offline. Physical and digital communications now flow quite naturally into and over each other – in some cases, they are barely distinguishable,” says Simon Thoma.
Offline advertising, for example, has the advantage of being able to appeal to several senses. Direct mailings, catalogues and magazines can not only be looked at, but also touched. The smell and rustling sound of the paper reinforce the emotional impact, memory and desire to own.
To achieve sustainable customer retention, BRACK.CH needs its own push communication channels through which it can contact selected customer segments in a targeted manner. Depending on the message, physical communication has greater value and is more appropriate than digital communication. For example, physical channels offer interesting possibilities for presenting product ranges and expertise.
The physical advertising medium BRACK.CH has chosen is the magalogue – a combination of a magazine and catalogue. It combines high-quality content and an attractive product presentation.
The magalogue has become a useful touchpoint for many online retailers. It achieves high conversion rates with directly assignable orders, demonstrably increases sales and strengthens customer relationships through physical contact with the products. For BRACK.CH AG, one thing is clear: the mix of online and offline makes all the difference.
- Dialog Marketing Solutions (in German)
- DirectPoint (in German)
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