Connecta Bern Connecta Bern is not over
Last year, as soon as Connecta was over, our team began organizing an even better Connecta Bern. Every year, we want to create a very special day in autumn in a unique venue with the aim of fostering well-being, networking, discussion and further training.
We once again wanted to organize in October the event that we ourselves would like to attend.
We were and still are prepared for many eventualities. We have nevertheless reluctantly been forced to abandon our goal of presenting a normal Connecta. The directives for holding an event at which the safety of everyone concerned is guaranteed have unfortunately forced us to take this decision.
We cannot, and do not want to, adopt the rationale that each participant can come at their own discretion, gauging their own personal risk
As the organizer, we shoulder joint responsibility for each and every guest – not only the speakers, but also our helpers.
As safe as possible
Together with the Swiss Post crisis and pandemic officers, we have run through a number of alternatives in recent weeks with a view to organizing the healthiest and most hygienic Connecta there has ever been. Nevertheless, none of the alternatives allows us to organize Connecta Bern as we would really like.
Connecta brings together a large number of people who often see each other in person just once a year. And, as at a family gathering, people would like to enjoy a certain proximity to one another. In this case, it is simply unrealistic for people to maintain a safety distance.
Why not organize a digital Connecta?
We feel that what was still a viable option a few months ago is now no longer a possibility: viewers of digital events have grown weary of sitting passively in front of their PC, listening to presentations via Zoom for hours on end.
Following an in-depth examination, we do not believe that an event involving more than 80 speakers can simply be posted online. We have different quality demands.
Connecta is not dead
The focus on presentations in small groups makes Connecta rather unique in Switzerland, which is why we have looked for a means of serving up something special in its place.
Our amazing team doesn’t give up that easily! Our plan has been to briefly revive Connecta.
- From 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on 21 October, viewers will be able to enjoy the actual Connecta TV. A one-hour programme presented and chaired by Katrin-Cécile Ziegler. With a number of fascinating studio guests. All with no filters and exploring the issues of trade, digitization and the new “what’s next?”. Connecta TV will be available on the Connecta website. Don't miss it! Make a note of the date and enter it in the calendar (ICS, 42.6 KB).
- On 18 October, the members of the UNICAM student video project of the University of Fribourg will report live on the filming of Connecta TV.
- World premiere of Connecta Doc: we have invited documentary film-maker Daniel Rytz to reflect on everything that has happened since 16 March 2020 – the day lockdown came into effect in Switzerland. What has changed and, more importantly, what the future holds? The world premiere of his documentary will be available on the Connecta website from 3 p.m. on 21 October 2020.
- In cooperation with Aileen Zumstein we will conduct interviews with a number of speakers beforehand. These will also be posted on 21 October 2020 at 3 pm on the website under Connecta Talk.
- If you know Martin Rechsteiner, aka Pokipsie, you’ll also know that his podcasts always make for good listening. Martin conducts fascinating conversations with some of the speakers. The podcasts will also be available from 3 p.m. on 21 October on Connecta Talk.
- Many of the speakers have already agreed to write blog posts on their presentation topics. We will continue to publish these here from 7 September 2020.
So you see, even without a physical Connecta, we still have a great deal to offer. There are even two world premieres with the Connecta Dok documentary and Connecta TV. And we are genuinely proud of that.
Connecta 2021
The event landscape has changed completely. What was a viable option in February 2020 is no longer possible. The organizers of Connecta have considered how to hold such an event in 2021 in complete safety. It will be an exciting time! You can look forward to the seeing which creative solutions the organization committee finds.
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