Performance Marketing Big impact despite a small budget
The current situation in the market has caused us to rethink our spending and budget planning. But completely slamming on the advertising brakes is not recommended, because if you don’t advertise, you die! For this reason, I’ve created a list of effective and budget-friendly measures.
During lockdown, we often received enquiries about what online marketing measures could be used to place affordable and effective online advertising and to boost visibility.
We’ve reviewed all of the measures individually and come up with a list:
Existing customer data
In any company, the main aim is to acquire new customers. But people forget that revenue and orders can be more easily improved by working with existing customers. We generally recommend checking whether existing customer data (while complying with the GDPR) is available.
A cost-effective newsletter can be used to motivate a large number of customers to interact. This customer data (e-mail addresses) can also be channelled into remarketing or social media campaigns. These measures target only existing customers. By using them, coverage wastage and the necessary media budget are kept to a minimum.
In general, an e-mail newsletter is easy on the media budget and usually reaches the desired target group. For example, the pool of addresses can be used again and again for newsletter campaigns without incurring additional costs. An important factor here is the creation of a large database of addresses. By holding a competition on social media or well-known platforms such as Win4Win, several thousand addresses can be generated with a small budget. According to the Win4Win competition platform, the following prizes are popular with participants in prize draws:
- 1st place: Smartphones and headphones
- 2nd place: Travel
- 3rd place: Shopping vouchers
Search engine optimization is a supreme discipline. Its use requires a great deal of hard work, but there is also a correspondingly high pay-off in search engine results. In SEO, there are some factors that you can also easily analyze on your own website, with various free tools available for this purpose.
The Google PageSpeed insights reveal what measures need to be implemented in order to have a positive impact on the loading speed of a page.
The technical SEO analysis reveals what errors are currently present on a page that have a negative impact on the ranking and which are easy to rectify.
Google Ads
Another supreme discipline in online marketing is Google Ads. Campaigns can be launched for as little as CHF 1 per day, with ads displayed when potential customers are searching for products or services. Display, YouTube, Google Shopping and app campaigns can also be managed using the Google Ads account. The use of Google Ads is recommended if the desired result/visibility is not achieved in SEO.

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