Last mile Best customer shipping experience
With the right services, retailers can offer customers an optimal experience on the last mile.
Who isn’t familiar with a collection note from Swiss Post? While it does indicate that the goods you ordered have arrived, it quickly triggers frustration. If you quickly ordered a sports bag to use at the weekend, you’ll be annoyed if you miss the delivery on Friday. Instead of the goods, you’ll find a collection note from Swiss Post in your private letter box.
As most customers prefer to receive their parcels at home, consignment management offers a number of advantages for both sender and receiver:
- As a sender, I can offer my end customers various delivery options when they place their order, thus providing maximum flexibility when it comes to receiving their parcels. These services can also be integrated into my online shop using an API. My shop thus rounds off the positive shopping experience.
- As a recipient, I can use “My consignments” to save my delivery preferences or manage each parcel individually, even if it is already on its way. Thanks to consignment management, I thus have the flexibility as a recipient to decide when and where I wish to receive my consignment.
Improvements for customers and senders
To be successful in the constantly changing world of e-commerce, no-one can afford to sit on their laurels. As we all know, when you’re doing nothing, you’re actually going backwards. And that’s why we’re continuing to optimize our services, in partnership with senders and recipients. To do so, we use methods such as design thinking. In this process, interdisciplinary teams meet together in a space conducive to exchanging ideas, in order to develop new solutions together.
Design thinking as the basis for a customer-oriented approach
With design thinking, interdisciplinary teams come together in a space conducive to exchanging ideas, in order to develop new solutions together with customers, for customers. The aim is to develop solutions that the customer can believe in.
Growth hacking in addition to design thinking
In order to deliver results even faster, we’ve added an additional process to the design thinking system. The aim of “growth hacking” is to experiment, enhance and learn from our customers. Instead of endlessly experimenting “in the lab”, new solutions are quickly brought to market and constantly adjusted in order to meet customer needs. Successful solutions are retained, while unsuccessful ones are modified or withdrawn from the market altogether (love it, change it, leave it).
What are the benefits to the retailer?
Retailers also benefit from these constant improvements. That’s because if the recipient is satisfied with the delivery of the goods he or she has ordered, so is the retailer. If something goes wrong on the last mile, the customer puts the blame on the retailer.
That’s why at Swiss Post we’re engaging with both sides (recipient and sender) and are optimizing services for recipients (My consignments) and online shop integration (Digital Commerce API).
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