Is YouTube worth it for retailers?

E-commerce Is YouTube worth it for retailers?

Published on 03.07.2019 by Alexis Chappatte, Digital Commerce Consultant, Post CH Ltd

How significant is YouTube as a digital touchpoint in online retail? And how can retailers use the video portal in the customer journey?

The largest social media platform in Switzerland

According to, is the second most used website in the world after 1.5 billion unique users visited YouTube at least once a month in 2018, including 30 million daily visitors. The platform is available in 56 countries and in 51 languages. But YouTube is more than an online video portal; it is also the second most used search engine in the world. Since YouTube belongs to Google, the videos are indexed very well and also show up as results in Google searches.

YouTube also takes second place in the list of most used websites in Switzerland, behind but ahead of YouTube is also the most used social media channel in Switzerland (source: NZZ). For Swiss users, the video portal is first and foremost a source of information and opinion – this is even more the case for the younger generations who have less trust in traditional media such as TV and newspapers.

What is the benefit of a YouTube channel for companies?

Retailers around the world primarily use YouTube as a way to inspire and provide information. With enormous numbers of viewers and its significance in the lives of consumers, video marketing on YouTube offers companies plenty of opportunities. The question is less to do with whether online retailers should be present on YouTube, but rather the purposes for which YouTube can be deployed in their marketing plans.

Raising the profile of a brand

YouTube is considered an excellent branding tool. Videos simply raise more awareness than images and text. Regular posts and interactions with visitors on your own YouTube channel help promote and advertise products.

Convincing end consumers

Explanatory videos and product demonstrations can be used to provide a wide range of information on products and services. They showcase the specific selling point and benefits. The insights provided and comments from other users are important deciding factors when making purchases in online retail.

Generating leads

YouTube videos appear in Google search results. The more videos a company places on YouTube, the more links to its shop or website appear on Google.

Building a community

Other social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram are better suited to establishing a community, but the user interactions and comments on the platform can also be useful for after-sales and product support.

Business intelligence

Due to its popularity, YouTube is also useful for monitoring competitors and analyzing new customer expectations/purchasing habits.

Experience shows that YouTube is primarily used by online retailers in the first phases of the customer journey. Once a company is well-established, or rather, well-known on YouTube, the platform also becomes relevant for lead generation and after-sales support.

When will you start?

Video marketing on YouTube has become an important element of every digital marketing strategy in the present age. There are countless ways to promote products and companies using videos on YouTube, regardless of whether a video is only occasionally posted on a landing page or whether a YouTube channel is curated on a regular basis.

Alexis Chappatte, Digital Commerce Consultant, Post CH Ltd

Alexis Chappatte has long-standing experience in consulting and implementing digital transformation projects for all types of customers from SMEs to public administration. He helps them develop sustainable digital strategies, taking new consumer habits and end customer expectations into account.

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